Chapter 1
“Why did you lie to me?!” Seeing Xia Mo’s bruised lips from her recent kisses, Ou Chen tightly closes his eyes and tries to speak past the rage building in his chest. “Since you and I were together five years ago, why didn’t you tell me? Why did you lie to me when I asked you?”
Her heart full of pain, Xia Mo cannot think of any response. She had thought that since Ou Chen had lost his memory, the past and all that pain would also fade away like smoke. However, never would she have imagined that Ou Chen would be so stubborn and determined to retrieve his lost memories.
“Because… I didn’t think there was any need…”
“What is exactly considered “no need”? And even if you thought so, what right does it give you to lie to me?!”
Watching the devastated look on Ou Chen’s face, Luo Xi suddenly laughs out loud. Five years ago, due to “Young Master” Ou Chen being threatened by Luo Xi, he had to leave Taiwan and a family that was beginning to feel like home. Although he ended up studying abroad in England, that feeling of being treated like useless garbage continues to haunt him every day. And now look, it has become “Young Master’s” turn to experience the same feelings of pain and mistreatment.
“We had already broken up.”
“What?!” Ou Chen hadn’t thought it was possible for the pain in his heart to get any worse.
“We broke up five years ago, so there really wasn’t any point in you remembering.”
“Why did we break up?”
“Why else would people break up? Didn’t like each other anymore, didn’t want to be together anymore, so we broke up.”
Five years ago, she threw the green scarf away into the darkness, choosing to leave him. However, faced with the current amnesiac Ou Chen, she cannot bear to bring herself to maintain that same cold exterior. After all, she did once care about him.
Ou Chen does not believe that she would make such a decision; he has to know what happened five years ago! He needs to talk to just her…
“I don’t believe you. You’re leaving with me!”
“Ou Chen!”
However, as Ou Chen pulls Xia Mo towards the door, he is suddenly pulled back. Turning, he sees that Luo Xi is pulling Xia Mo’s other hand, a humorless smile playing on his lips.
“Let go of her!”
“Hey, shouldn’t I be the one saying that right now? What right do you think you have to be doing anything to Mo Mo? Even if she was with you five years ago, she’s mine now.”
“She is mine!”
“Oh really?”
Smiling ruthlessly, Luo Xi slowly lowers his head – silently declaring his right to Xia Mo – as his lips near Xia Mo’s own… And Xia Mo suddenly moves her head, avoiding Luo Xi’s kiss. Last time at the hospital, Xia Mo had only allowed Luo Xi’s kiss as a warning to Ou Chen to back off; she never wanted to hurt him.
Luo Xi is stunned. The instant that Xia Mo had flinched from him, he also reflexively lets go of her hand. Ou Chen takes this moment to pull Xia Mo behind him, using his own body to block Luo Xi. Unable to control himself any longer, Ou Chen throws a punch at Luo Xi who then quickly dodges. Luo Xi studies Ou Chen unconsciously protecting Xia Mo, the perfect couple back together again and excluding him, and he is seized with rage. Forgetting his own reason, he responds back in kind at Ou Chen!
Frustrated beyond belief, Xia Mo breaks apart Ou Chen and Luo Xi by standing directly between them. In that split second, neither man knows who exactly Xia Mo is protecting.
“Please just forget. I wasn’t worth you caring about five years ago. Those memories aren’t worth you fighting for; remembering will only bring you more pain. So please… just forget…”
“What happened? Did I do something wrong? I did do something wrong, didn’t I, to make you hate me? So that you would rather I forget you than have anything to do with me…”
“You did nothing.”
“Then why?! Just because of something you say, do you really expect me to erase my past? What’s right or wrong should be decided by me and not just because you say so!”
“You’re right.” Luo Xi interjects. “What right do you have to expect Mo Mo to tell you about your own past? That’s your problem. But, Mo Mo, you should just tell him the truth. Otherwise he’ll pester you like a heartsick fool forever… Tell him that the reason you two broke up was because of me…”
“Luo Xi!”
“What? Did I say something wrong?”
Ou Chen cannot believe it; is it because of this man that Xia Mo gave him up? Xia Mo tries to explain to Ou Chen that it didn’t happen like that, but Luo Xi continues on. Luo Xi will force Xia Mo to see only him; the more she tries to protect Ou Chen, the more his hate for Ou Chen only intensifies. Gripping her face, Luo Xi forces Xia Mo to look directly at him.
“Mo Mo, tell him; tell him that you never cared about him. It was because of me that you left him five years ago!”
Xia Mo cannot move; Luo Xi is not giving her an inch. Pulling her in and tightly holding her, Luo Xi fervently whispers to her, “Just forget… you said you liked me now… you’ve already given up on me once; are you going to do it a second time? Just let him leave you…”
Xia Mo had thought Luo Xi was just acting, using all his abilities to exact his promised revenge on Ou Chen. However, perhaps even Luo Xi underestimated his thespian skills because it is the hoarseness in his voice that causes Xia Mo to lack any strength to push him away.
Ou Chen can only see darkness. There is no light in front of him, just death. As he watches those two embrace right in front of him, the pain is unbearable. Until it is so great that he becomes numbed by it – and a burning hatred replaces it. So those memories that he so strongly struggled to reclaim… they are only full of betrayal. And the one who betrayed him is now living so happily in front of his very eyes, laughing at his memories and his resolve.
“You both will pay for this.”
No! This wasn’t what Xia Mo wanted; she just wanted to get away from Ou Chen, not hurt him so much that he would become obsessed with hatred. Pushing away Luo Xi to try to say something – anything – to stop Ou Chen, Luo Xi only pulls her in again, giving her no chance to face Ou Chen. And the door slams shut with Ou Chen’s exit.
“Mo Mo, from now on, just belong to me… okay?”
Looking back at Luo Xi, Xia Mo can do nothing but slowly nod her head.
Zhen En is ecstatic; after many phone calls and countless begging, she has finally been able to get Xia Mo the second lead female role in an upcoming drama series, “Innocent Love Song”. The series is bound to be an instant hit since the director leading the project is the most successful one in the industry.
However, Xia Mo has been distracted by thoughts of Ou Chen – the hate that was so clearly in his voice continues to echo in her mind. If this present Ou Chen is anything like who he was five years ago, there is no way he would just sit and do nothing about this “betrayal”. Should she find him and explain the situation? But really; who can truly say whether or not it wasn’t a betrayal??
When Xia Mo realizes that Zhen En has struggled in secret to get this contract for Xia Mo, she is deeply touched by this show of commitment. In the future though, Xia Mo hopes that Zhen En will be able to share her future struggles with her though; that way, she’ll also have someone to lean on. Zhen En is delighted and readily agrees; however, she suddenly remembers that the male lead is none other than Ling Hao…
As “Innocent Love Song” prepares to start filming, advertisements for it only include Ling Hao and the main female lead, An Hui Ni, who is also Ling Hao’s girlfriend of two years. Although movie star couples are not rare, they are the most popular of them all. When Ling Hao first appeared in the media world, it was an instant attraction for already accomplished star, An Hui Ni. Not too long thereafter, the two collaborated on a project together and thus became a couple. It is truly a rarity that Ling Hao is now much more famous than An Hui Ni and yet his feelings have not changed.
At the opening press conference, Yin Xia Mo is forced to take pictures with Ling Hao and An Hui Ni, and the atmosphere is tense between her and the other two stars. The reporters quickly catch on to the mood and tell Yin Xia Mo to please be a little more accommodating. Hui An Ni is amused and ask the reporters to have mercy on Yin Xia Mo; after all, she is just a singer – all she has is her voice as opposed to any actual expression!
As the reporters break out into laughter, thinking that Yin Xia Mo will silently take such a direct affront, she suddenly turns to An Hui Ni.
“Actually, there is no voice either. At the beginning of ‘Innocent Love Song,’ Bing Tong uses her heart to silently like the male lead. She doesn’t dare to see him, doesn’t dare to say anything to him and doesn’t dare to get close to him.”
The reporters are stunned. And Ling Hao now looks differently at Yin Xia Mo.
Catching the look on Ling Hao’s face and taking note of the surrounding reporters, An Hui Ni laughs lightly and commends Yin Xia Mo for having done her homework so well.
The night beforehand, Luo Xi tries to ease Xia Mo’s nerves and to give her advice. Although Xia Mo doubts her ability to be able to successfully play Bing Tong, Luo Xi fully believes in her potential to be a rising actor. Ever since the press conference had ended, the fear and horror in Xia Mo’s heart could not be erased and she came home only pretending to not have a care in the world. Only Luo Xi… only Luo Xi can so easily step into her heart.
Unfortunately, it is not complete smooth sailing on the first day of filming. The director calls cut after cut on Xia Mo, criticizing her acting to be that of a wooden doll. She is a performer, not a corpse!
Ling Hao is frustrated beyond belief with Xia Mo; is she out for revenge because he refused to film the Lei Ou commercial with her?? If not, then please hurry up and just finish, for God’s sakes! However, as hard as Xia Mo tries, she is unable to please the director and the film crew are about to pass out from exhaustion and anger, as whispers of her complete lack of acting ability begin to spread amongst them.
Late at night, the recording studio is completely open; only Xia Mo is left standing alone. Right before everyone had left, the director had publicly yelled at her, wondering why in the world his second lead role was given to someone with absolutely no acting ability or experience. Ever since she was little, Xia Mo always believed that she could accomplish anything if she tried hard enough. However, after a whole day of filming, her self-confidence is now shattered. She does not blame Director Xu though; it is her own fault.
Standing there, Xia Mo tightly closes her eyes, her heart like ice. In the pitch black of the night, there are no stars; just darkness.

Chapter 2
That same night under the same stars, Ou Chen is also standing silently in front of his window, the green silk scarf tied around his wrist fluttering gently. His face is completely devoid of emotion, like a statue that can stand forever still without any movement at all.
Since that night of the awards ceremony, his memory seems to have floated back piece by piece. It is almost as if he can slowly start connecting them to one another. If it was the old him, he would have prayed in gratitude for allowing his past to return to him. However, now he is just filled with anger and pain. So what if he remembers how he met her; how they once were so deeply in love? She has betrayed him.
If given the choice, he would rather that he never remembered what happened, never remembered that he once loved her so much. However, just as Ou Chen has been determined to forget everything, another piece of his memory now returns to him…
He is fourteen years old and had quietly sneaked away with his dad’s car. As he is speeding down the road, he catches sight of a young girl by the side of the road and is instantly entranced by her beauty, so like that of a young fairy in a fairy tale… She suddenly is sprinting into the middle of the road and in his haste, he jerks the wheel, sending the car into a spin bu the little girl is still hit and falls softly to the ground. The fourteen year old him rushes out of the car and clumsily cradles her limp and small body. As he holds her, she looks directly into his eyes… and then faints in his embrace.
So this is how they had met? In her mind, is it simply up to her own enjoyment whether she stays or leaves his life? He has no way of controlling anything?
This time, she is wrong. He will not allow her to so easily leave him. Since it is destiny to be tormented together; well then, let them continue to be tormented. And so when “Innocent Love Song’s” producer had contacted him about the possibility of investing in their series, Ou Chen had only one condition for becoming their biggest financial contributor.
Yin Xia Mo must be given the second lead role.
When Xia Mo is finally leaving the studio, it is so late at night that all public transportation is closed for the day. However, Luo Xi has sent Jie Ni to pick up Xia Mo, and she has been patiently waiting for her this entire time. Luo Xi had hoped to share some good news with Xia Mo and so she follows Jie Ni back to his place. While heading over there, Jie Ni officially introduces herself to Xia Mo – she probably doesn’t remember her, but Jie Ni had been in a lower grade at the same school as her. She had always admired Xia Mo and was ecstatic to have the opportunity to work for Luo Xi; just like herself, Luo Xi has never forgotten Xia Mo and so Jie Ni promised herself that she would always protect the two of them because only Luo Xi is worthy of being with Xia Mo.
When Xia Mo and Jie Ni do arrive at Luo Xi’s place, they find him asleep on the couch, a bottle of wine and two glasses waiting on the table. Jie Ni smilingly leaves them to their privacy and Xia Mo quietly sits with him, not wanting to disturb him from this rare chance of rest. However, left to her own thoughts once again, the criticism from that day soon begins to flood her head.
Xia Mo’s self-deprecation is broken though when she hears Luo Xi mumbling in his sleep, anxiously calling out for his mom. Xia Mo tries to roust him from the nightmare but it takes a few attempts before she is finally successful. When Luo Xi finally wakes, still caught in that dreamworld, the immediate look in his eyes is one of loneliness and vulnerability. Quickly excusing himself to use the restroom, Xia Mo ruefully understands that he and she are truly one and the same – in front of others, they must always maintain that exterior of control.
When Luo Xi returns, he is fully composed and has returned to his usual confident self. He celebrates Xia Mo’s first day of filming – although Xia Mo is mildly chagrined to find that was his celebratory news – but quickly catches onto Xia Mo’s contemplative and sullen mood. Realizing that Xia Mo must have been heavily criticized on her first day, Luo Xi tries to bolster her confidence by assuring her that this bump is something which every performer must go through before becoming successful. And actually, since they both grew up in an orphanage, they are actually masters at acting. Think about it; in order to survive, they had to coax the adults to like them so that they would take them home. In fact, no one else can compare to their ingrained acting abilities; Xia Mo just needs to learn how to draw that out at the right time.
Luo Xi offers to run through next day’s scenes with her although Xia Mo initially declines; he must be exhausted from his own responsibilities already. Luo Xi half-jokingly asks if she is worrying about him, to which Xia Mo lightly agrees. However, when Luo Xi again repeats the question softly but this time completely serious, Xia Mo also responds in kind – yes; she is worried about him.
Luo Xi lightly kisses Xia Mo and although this is neither their first kiss nor the most passionate, it is a kiss that will forever be imprinted on both of their hearts.
But it turns out that Luo Xi does have something else to give to Xia Mo. Taking her hand in his, he places something hard and cold to the touch – when she opens her hand, she finds a key laying in it, attached to a pink diamond encrusted keychain. Luo Xi casually remarks that once his own series starts filming, his schedule will become increasingly busy; this way, she’ll be able to come visit him anytime she wishes. Xia Mo instinctively starts declining this gift but Luo Xi silences her – if she wishes to toss it aside, then that’s up to her. At least just take it for now so that he can pretend that this place belongs to two people… that perhaps one night while he is sleeping, someone may be coming home to be with him.
The second day of filming. No one pays attention to Xia Mo and no one dares to talk to her; everyone is apprehensive about being stuck at the studio until midnight again. Ling Hao is occupied angrily commiserating with An Hui Ni about being stuck with an emotionless, wooden doll. Stalking up to Xia Mo, Ling Hao warns her that if she continues the same “acting” as yesterday, he will not easily let her off the hook!
Zhen En is furious; how dare he and An Hui Ni judge Xia Mo! Defending Xia Mo, Zhen En gets in An Hui Ni’s face; yesterday was only Xia Mo’s first attempt at acting! Was she herself that brilliant when she first started in this industry?! Since she has more experience than Xia Mo, she should be helping her and not judging her!
SMACK! An Hui Ni’s hand is still flung outward after connecting directly with Zhen En’s face; Xia Mo is stunned. An Hui Ni scathingly remarks that as someone who is less experienced in the entertainment field, she should be treating her seniors with respect as opposed to talking back to them! Who the hell does she think she is?! Xia Mo demands an apology from Hui An Ni and when the latter scoffs at her, Xia Mo bets An Hui Ni that if she can successfully finish the upcoming scene in one try, An Hui Ni will apologize to Zhen En. And what if Xia Mo cannot? Then she will allow An Hui Ni to “teach” her as suited.
An Hui Ni smugly laughs; it’s a deal!
The present scene only has Ling Hao sitting at his desk while Xia Mo stands silently behind him, quietly pining for him but using nothing but her expression to convey the depth of her feelings for him. Everyone watches on the side. Director Xu has already decided that if Yin Xia Mo cannot perform to his expectations and he is unable to replace her, he would rather give up this directing opportunity than have his name attached to something that is not quality work.
Luo Xi’s words from the previous night echo in Xia Mo’s mind… When acting, you need to have two souls. One soul is directly immersed in the role; you become that person and feel everything she is feeling. Her breath is your breath, her pain and happiness are also your own pain and happiness. Meanwhile, the other soul watches silently, watching you be her but not completely be her, watching every expression on your face… Bing Tong has liked Lu Si ever since she was little; her first encounter with him was like seeing an angel but yet she cannot let him know that she loves him… If he finds out that she’s in love with him, she’s afraid that he will leave her… Just like her father left her and her mother when she was little…
So you cannot allow yourself to love him. The more you love him, the more pain you will feel. No matter how hard you try to love someone, ultimately that person will betray you, just like you are nothing but garbage…
You like me? It is the sixteen year old Luo Xi again… You like me so much that you want to send me back to the orphanage again? Mrs. Song said she liked me too and look what she did to me? My own mom said she liked me too; is that why she left me at the amusement park and never came back for me? I’m not interested in that kind of love.
Xia Mo, remember my expression. If you find yourself unable to express anything tomorrow while filming, remember my expression and use it.
All eyes are fixed on Xia Mo’s face as she stares silently at Ling Hao’s back. The emotion in her eyes is fathomless; an emotion that is hopeless and desperate to get away at any cost – and yet unable to leave at all. Director Xu cannot take his eyes off the shot.
An Hui Ni is stunned. How did Yin Xia Mo go from emotionless wooden doll to a completely different person in just one day? She is slowly filled with a sense of foreboding…
OKAY! The scene is finished and successful, and everyone excitedly prepares for the next scene. Yin Xia Mo finished in one take!
Ling Hao turns around and stares in puzzlement at everyone and then looks at Xia Mo; since his back was turned the entire time, he has no idea of what just happened. They’re finished already?
Everyone turns to stare at An Hui Ni; her bet with Xia Mo was clearly heard earlier and has now circled around the studio. Will she really apologize to Zhen En?
Chapter 3
Xia Mo essentially clears the next few scenes in one take; in fact, it is on the third take that Ling Hao fumbles. Lu Si is directly confronting Bing Tong; was she the one who told his dad about his relationship with Cai Na? He thought Bing Tong was his best friend! How could she betray him like that?
When you are acting this scene, you need to have two different expressions at once, Luo Xi advises Xia Mo. When Bing Tong is speaking, she carries a cool and cold expression – Xia Mo, you’re good at that so you shouldn’t have any problem. Just think about how you used to treat me!
Xia Mo is stunned. And then shamed when she realizes the truth of Luo Xi’s words; to everyone else, to Xiao Cheng, even Ou Chen… she has always been warm and gentle. With the exception of Luo Xi…
A sharp pain stabs her heart as she remembers her past treatment of him. Xia Mo looks back at Luo Xi, conflicted but now her expression is intermixed with her present feelings for him – and Luo Xi stares back at her… Yes; this is the expression Bing Tong would have – a deep-seated love in her eyes but yet paired with cold words…
Bing Tong responds coldly to Lu Si, “I am not your friend. Only a secretary. If the chairman wishes information, it is my job to report back to him.” Ling Hao wordlessly stares back at Bing Tong – Xia Mo – and is seduced by the depth of emotion in her eyes… He is harshly drawn back to reality when Director Xu calls cut; what is wrong with Ling Hao?!
At the end of the day, An Hui Ni has still not personally apologized to Zhen En, although the latter brushes it off casually. Since the bet was heard by everyone in the studio, it only reflects badly on An Hui Ni anyway for being such a drama queen anyway. Xia Mo laughs at hearing the truth and maturity in her friend’s words.
When the first episode of “Innocent Love Song” premieres, Xiao Cheng, Luo Xi and Xia Mo all crowd around the television to watch. Although Xia Mo’s scenes are limited in the first chapter, Xiao Cheng cannot contain his glee at how great his sister is on-screen and Luo Xi comments proudly that Xia Mo will be a great star someday.
Originally, fans clamored to watch the drama for Ling Hao and An Hui Ni’s pairing as the cute couple; however, interest slowly grows for the cold yet complex Bing Tong who silently supports and loves Lu Si from afar. Netizens begin engaging in heated discussions about who is most suited for Lu Si; the mischievous Cai Na or the solemn Bing Tong. When news breaks out about Xia Mo and An Hui Ni’s supposed backstage bickering, these discussions only grow more intense as more and more fans band together to support Bing Tong over Cai Na.
After Xia Mo’s breakthrough performance though, it becomes clear that An Hui Ni is not going to let such a grievance be easily forgiven. The next day of filming, even though her shots come later than Xia Mo’s, she insists on using the makeup artist first, causing a big scene when Jing Jie does not immediately come at her beck and call. Xia Mo easily lets it slide, choosing to not make a big deal out of the situation although Zhen En grumbles in earnest about such a diva attitude.
A surprise guest appears at today’s filming; it is Ou Chen! Although it is known that he is the biggest investor in this series, people are stunned that the heir of Ou Corporations would personally come to visit the set.
SMACK! An Hui Ni’s hand goes flying across Xia Mo’s face, leaving her instinctively blinking back tears as her head reels back from the pain. The two leads are currently filming the scene in which Cai Na confronts Bing Tong for betraying her confidence; however, while the scene does call for an intended slap by An Hui Ni, she was never supposed to follow through with it as Cai Na could not bring herself to physically hurt Bing Tong.
Everyone is stunned. And An Hui Ni turns to Director Xu, apologizing lightly as she was so into the scene that she simply forgot about stopping.
Xia Mo is clearly aware of An Hui Ni’s intentions. Although her face is still smarting from the slap, she quietly suggests that they continue on with filming. An Hui Ni is livid; is Yin Xia Mo trying to tell her how to act?? When Jing Jie rushes to touch up Xia Mo’s face, Xia Mo turns her face and then sees Ou Chen standing in the background, surveying the set. She is horrified and embarrassed that he would be the one to personally witness her humiliation.
Filming resumes. SMACK! An Hui Ni again follows through with a vengeance and everyone is aghast. The producer is especially horrified; Ou Corporation’s one condition for investing in the series was to have Yin Xia Mo as the second lead! How can An Hui Ni choose the one day that Ou Chen is visiting to commit such a huge mistake? And not just once but twice?!
When Xi Meng offers to do something about the situation though, Ou Chen brushes him off and continues to silently observe. Xia Mo’s already white face has lost all color and a thin trickle of blood has begun to drip from Xia Mo’s mouth.
Mid-filming again, An Hui Ni suddenly turns to the director in frustration; she just cannot act like this! Since she is getting so immersed into the scene, why not they just go ahead and film the scene with the slap included? It will work so much better for the heightened emotions! Director Xu is momentarily thrown off-balance, first looking at Yin Xia Mo and then looking at An Hui Ni… and nods his agreement.
SMACK! I’m so sorry! I forgot my lines again!
SMACK! I don’t think there’s enough feeling in that last one; can we do it again
SMACK! Xia Mo’s expression wasn’t right! Let’s do it again.
SMACK! I really didn’t feel anything in that last scene; let’s run it one more time!
Xia Mo’s face has long become numbed by the pain, as each slap comes down hatefully. She is brought back to when she was still a little girl at the orphanage, and all the other kids ganged up on her and stole her toy away from her, kicking and hitting her as she fell down, laughing viciously as they danced away…
So much pain… so much pain that she just wants to die right now…
Another hateful slap… Xia Mo refuses to give in! She will not let An Hui Ni win! However, as her head continues to spin from another slap, An Hui Ni’s laughter echoing in the distance, Xia Mo no longer has the will to stand upright… and she slowly loses consciousness as she finally just sinks to the ground…
Chapter 4
It’s like a dream… so quiet that even the barest hint of breathing cannot be heard… Xia Mo relishes in the quietness; has she died already? Perhaps that is the best thing then… if she dies, she no longer has to pretend to be strong. Yes… let’s just die then… It hurts so much…
As Xia Mo slowly falls to the ground, she is suddenly supported gently by a pair of strong arms surrounding her and she catches sight of a beautiful green scarf fluttering in the air. In the haze of numbing pain, these arms are like the warmth of the sun’s rays, giving her the last needed strength.
When she is finally able to open her eyes again, she finds herself looking deep into a pair of familiar eyes. As she slowly regains awareness, Xia Mo realizes that Ou Chen is holding her, holding her tightly and gently like a lover. As she stares into Ou Chen’s calm face, she is seized with shame – her humiliation at the hands of An Hui Ni… Ou Chen saw everything very, very clearly…
“Let go of me!” She cannot stand to look at him.
The director finally calls cut and gives everyone a ten minute break. An Hui Ni silently study Ou Chen and Yin Xia Mo; how romantic, she snarls to herself. Here she was, rightfully dealing out Yin Xia Mo’s just desserts and suddenly some other man comes out to save her? Whatever; as a new person, Xia Mo will be taught her lesson.
Huddled alone in a corner hidden beneath the staircase, Xia Mo tightly wraps her arms around herself. No one will come here, no one will find her here… there is no noise here, no one else here… just aloneness…
As Ou Chen watches Xia Mo from afar, he is seized with a stabbing pain at every shudder of her body… he should hate her… The cold and ruthless her who betrayed him… seeing her publicly humiliated should give him joy, right…? And yet, seeing her suffer slap after slap at the hands of that woman; he would like nothing more than to viciously return the favor!
Does he really like Xia Mo so much? That even after her betrayal five years ago and now her rejection… he yet still likes her. In that moment where he was holding her close, he felt like his life was truly complete. And yet when she had so harshly pushed him away… he had become empty… his life had gone completely empty…
And so as Xia Mo remains shaking in her corner, Ou Chen continues to silently watch over her.
A polite-looking girl has intruded on Xia Mo’s solitude. Curiously, she asks Xia Mo if she’s been crying. Xia Mo has no expression on her face but tells the girl to get lost. The girl ignores her though and continues on; Xia Mo cannot continue to cry though. If she cries too much, how will she be able to continue the scene? However, Xia Mo coldly responds that she was not crying, which surprises the girl. Impressed by Xia Mo’s spunk, the girl suddenly starts laughing.
“You are really something! Even though you are really vulnerable inside, you still act strong on the outside. Careful; forcing yourself too hard will actually cause you more grief later on. If you had started crying when she was hitting you, you would have instantly won everyone’s sympathies and they would have all hated her. You are stupid for not using that chance. Don’t you think I’m right?”
“If so, that would have created dependence. If you start getting used to being weak, then you really will become weak. Too used to dependence, then you will forget to how to rely on yourself.
“But aren’t you in pain?”
“You get used to it.”
“You really are kind of stupid! If you are too strong, others will think you are a cold person; however, you are still quite cute!”
Director Xu is reviewing the footage that they had just completed when he is approached by the producer; you really hate Yin Xia Mo, don’t you? When Director Xu responds lightly that he does not, the producer forges on; if not, then why would he let An Hui Ni treat her like that? Seeing Yin Xia Mo’s face slapped to such an extent and yet he can continue on as if nothing was wrong… Even if he despises Yin Xia Mo, he should not treat her like that.
Director Xu replies that he is only interested in achieving the best results; An Hui Ni and Yin Xia Mo are playing love rivals so of course that hatred and jealousy will naturally emerge in their scenes. Additionally, Yin Xia Mo is the type of person who seems to thrive the best under pressure and her acting is the most impressive then. If a few slaps is what it takes to produce such a result, then it’s worth it.
As the producer marvels at the ruthlessness of Director Xu, he stops abruptly when he sees Ou Chen striding purposefully towards him. Director Xu also inclines his head in respect and maintaining eye contact with him, Ou Chen whispers something to the both of them. After mulling it over briefly, Director Xu nods his head in agreement.
Filming resumes. An Hui Ni snidely comments that it will be rather difficult for Xia Mo to continue filming when her face has swelled up so horribly to which Xia Mo calmly replies that if An Hui Ni had been more careful to not NG a thousand times, they wouldn’t be having this problem in the first place. An Hui Ni freezes in shock as the surrounding people snicker under their breaths.
Turning to Director Xu, An Hui Ni apologizes for her situation today; she simply doesn’t know why she’s having so much trouble getting the right feeling today! In fact, she’s simply worried that she won’t be able to complete the scene in one take again…!
Laughing silently to herself, An Hui Ni narrows in on Xia Mo’s injured face – she’ll show her! She’s going to slap her so hard that she won’t be able to resume filming for days!
“Yin Xia Mo, I want you to take on Cai Ni’s role for this scene and let An Hui Ni try to find the right feeling.”
Everyone freezes. Stuttering in shock, An Hui Ni asks Director Xu what the meaning of this is… he cannot possibly mean that he wants Yin Xia Mo to hit her! Director Xu replies that they are just acting here and turns to Xia Mo; can she remember An Hui Ni’s lines? Considering how many times they had gone over this scene, Xia Mo had earlier already committed all the lines to memory.
An Hui Ni is in a panic and starts protesting (like a stuck chicken but that’s just me ad-libbing here…); Yin Xia Mo cannot hit her!! However, Director Xu silences her and begins filming. Everyone watches in breathless anticipation.
“What… are you saying?” Cai Ni tries to smile, tears in her eyes and although her smile is weak, it still is friendly. “It cannot be true… right?”
An Hui Ni is frozen. Originally, all she could think about was the fact that Yin Xia Mo was going to smack her across the face, but staring directly into her eyes in this moment, she cannot help but become drawn by the emotion in Yin Xia Mo’s eyes – and falls wholly into the scene.
“It is true.”
The betrayal in Cai Ni’s eyes. The pain and betrayal from someone she treated as her good friend has made her lose all reasoning and control… She instinctively raises her hand in the air – the filming crew watch, waiting for that hate-filled slap to come solidly across An Hui Ni’s face; An Hui Ni reflexively closes her eyes, her face starch white – and Yin Xia Mo’s hand goes flying through the air… And stops within inches of An Hui Ni’s face.
“I’ve always… treated you like my friend… don’t you know that? Everyone else can hurt me… but you can’t… because you are my best friend…”
The sadness. The desperation. The pain from having trust completely destroyed.
Everyone is seized with a stabbing pain in their hearts. Jing Jie doesn’t even realize that she has started crying and looks away in embarrassment; only to find that everyone is carrying the exact same expression. Even the polite-looking girl from earlier on is in tears.
Director Xu starts clapping enthusiastically! And everyone joins in the applause. They are astounded by Yin Xia Mo’s amazing work!
The producer is completely impressed. Originally, he had thought Yin Xia Mo was only casted because of her connection to Ou Chen; however, who would have thought she was really such a superb actor?
Xi Meng studies Young Master. Ou Chen is silently watching Xia Mo a few feet away; although his expression betrays nothing, Xi Meng can detect the myriad of emotions in him.
“But Young Master, she did not hit An Hui Ni back. Would you like me to arrange another take?”
“No. I have other business so I’ll be leaving now.” As Ou Chen leaves the studio, he turns to cast one more look at Xia Mo. She has chosen the decision that she deems most appropriate for herself. As for An Hui Ni… he has his own plans for her.
In the midst of the people, Xia Mo does not spare a glance for the ashen An Hui Ni but quietly watches Ou Chen’s departing figure. The picture of him leaving is just like that night five years ago when he finally chose to walk away…
Back at his place, Luo Xi gently applies ointment to Xia Mo’s swollen face as she winces in pain. Luo Xi feels every wince in his own heart.
“Why didn’t you just hit her back? An Hui Ni is not going to remember that you let her go this time. All she’s going to remember is that you embarrassed her. When dealing with this kind of person, you don’t need to be merciful.”
“If I slap her back, then what makes me different from her?
“Do you need me to do anything?”
“I’ll take care of it. If we make too big of a deal out of it, then it could end up being far worse.”
“Xia Mo, you try to be too strong.”
“Have you experienced something like this before?”
“Although I’ve never been slapped repeatedly while filming, how can this kind of stuff not happen in our world? Someone once asked his mafia friends to get me; five to six of them surrounded me in the middle of the night in a dark alley and beat the crap out of me. I was in the hospital for at least two weeks; thank goodness my face was fine but I had a few broken bones.”
Taking Xia Mo’s hand in his own, Luo Xi gently places it on his chest; she can feel the steady beat of his heart.
“Seven stitches total. It was lucky that the doctor was so good and the wound was shallow; you can barely see it during filming. Only when you feel for it do you know that it’s there.”
“Why did they go after you?”
“Because… once I appear, everyone becomes my shadow, regardless of whether or not they’re already famous and accomplished.”
Such a proud statement. And yet, as Xia Mo stares at the beauty that is Luo Xi, she cannot help but admit; he has that pride and that ability.
“What happened to that person?”
“Afterward? He got kidnapped at that same spot too… broke four bones… I got someone to do it for me.” Luo Xi silently stares at Xia Mo. “Do you think I’m ruthless? Are you scared of me…?”
“It is scary. If someone had taught him such a lesson earlier on, he wouldn’t have touched you then.”
Luo Xi looks at Xia Mo in bewilderment. “Shouldn’t you be judging me right now? Telling me to report it to the police as opposed to dealing with it myself?”
“The police? The police only see what’s directly in front of them. I don’t like violence but I cannot refute that there are some things that can only be dealt with violently…”
Luo Xi is suddenly uneasy; there is something about Xia Mo’s expression and tone of voice right now… “Xia Mo… Did something happen to you?”
“I’m sorry; there are just some things I’d rather forget.”
That same night, Ou Chen stands alone in his room with his wineglass (now this is a recurring theme, isn’t it?), thinking back to the events of that day – every slap that Xia Mo suffered now firmly ingrained in his mind and on repeat… That snow white face completely drained of blood…
Ou Chen closes his eyes as the piercing headache returns… this time, he won’t fight it anymore. If the memory wants to return, then let it come back to him…
Back at the Ou mansion, the little girl is lying on the bed in the guest room, a fourteen-year old Ou Chen watching over her. Silently gazing upon her, he surmises that she cannot be real, unable to resist reaching out a hand to slowly, lightly, poke at her face. And she suddenly opens her eyes!
His heart jumps a beat although his face maintains its cool expression. She studies him back and then slowly sits up in the bed.
Her name is Xia Mo. Her dad was originally working at Ou Corporations but was laid off a month ago. He hasn’t been able to find a new job and her mom has been crying in the house everyday; she and her little brother will probably be sent back to the orphanage to live… She found out that the car of the CEO of Ou Corporations drives by that road everyday and so decided to wait there for him, to plead with him not to fire her dad.
“How old are you?”
“Eleven.” Ou Chen is surprised; don’t most eleven-year olds only worry about begging their parents for toys and chocolate?
“Why would your parents send you and your brother to the orphanage?” Even if he lost his job, this seems a little extreme.
Xia Mo pauses before answering. “We’re not our parents’ biological children. However, they both treat us really well; I don’t want to go back to the orphanage!”
The backyard garden. Little Xia Mo stands with an apple carefully balanced on her head, her eyes tightly closed and her hands scrunched into tiny fists. Standing some distance away, he is wearing a beautiful archer’s clothing… and slowly pulls the arrow back on his bow.
He’s only ever seen someone use an apple for practice on television and has always wanted to try it but was scolded by his nanny. Now, he finally has a chance to try shooting at an apple and the little girl even volunteered to do so…
He promised her. If she is willing to hold the apple for him, he will get her dad his job back. What he wants to know, is how brave this eleven-year old can be.
Xia Mo calmly stares back at him. There is a maturity in her eyes that should not belong to someone so young and actually bold tells him that he needs to prove that he has the ability to reinstate her dad’s position. Nodding his head, he makes a few calls. Even though he is only fourteen, everyone knows that he will one day be the future heir to the business. After hearing his calls, she knows that the agreement is exchanged.
He slowly pulls the arrow back again… as he is getting ready to let go, his gaze almost unconsciously moves to her face… standing there in the sunlight, she is almost transparent. She nervously bites her lip, biting so hard that one drop of rose red blood emerges… And the arrow flies across towards her!
Ou Chen suddenly opens his eyes! His head is about to split open from the pain, as if that arrow never flew towards her but into his own head. Grasping his wineglass tightly, he picks up his cell phone and dials a number.
Due to her face, Xia Mo informs Xiao Cheng that she will be busy with work for the next three days and unable to return home. She does not want him to see the extent of the swelling.
Jokingly, Luo Xi smiles at Xia Mo. “It looks like I should be grateful to An Hui Ni; if it wasn’t for her, you wouldn’t have come over today.”
“Can you… let me stay for three days?”
“What about rent?”
“How about you just be my servant for three days?” Laughing, Luo Xi pulls Xia Mo in close, softly breathing in the scent of her hair. “Help me clean the place, cook me dinner, okay? And if you don’t do it well the first time, then you’ll have to do it all over again. If you do it well, then I’ll reward you by letting you sleep in the master bedroom and I’ll sleep in the guest room.”
“Do you normally not make dinner?”
“I don’t know how. Anyways, I wouldn’t want to make dinner for myself – cooking by myself and then eating it by myself…”
“Okay.” And Xia Mo gently hugs him back.
Compared to Luo Xi, Xia Mo is a lot more lucky; she still has Xiao Cheng with her. Everything she’s done, everything that has worth and her very reason for becoming as strong as an unbendable tree – is all for Xiao Cheng to be happy and to live well. Cooking for him or eating what he makes for her… it all makes her unbelievably happy and fortunate. But Luo Xi… he has no one except himself…
“Hey, I’m really picky when it comes to my food. If you don’t make it to suit my tastes, I’m going to make you polish the floor!”
“I’m not even scared; I’m very confident when it comes to my culinary skills.”
“That confident, huh?”
Seeing Xia Mo so heartbreakingly cute, he cannot resist reaching out to tweak her nose. She quickly ducks but then succumbs to a huge yawn. It has been a long day for her.
When Luo Xi softly asks her if she’s tired, she has already fallen fast asleep. Gently picking her up, Luo Xi carries her to the master bedroom and lays her down on the bed. Seeing her forehead wrinkle in her sleep as if suffering from a bad dream, Luo Xi places a soft kiss there. Hopefully, all those nightmares plaguing her will be chased away to be replaced with sweet dreams… And she stops furrowing her forehead.
Laughing softly to himself, Luo Xi gently caresses her face. And sees the bright red swelling of a hand print.
However, in his eyes, she is still beautiful. Beautiful like the Sleeping Beauty in a fairy tale. Let her just sleep like this, staying forever by his side. Let them have their fairy tale ending and never have to part again…
The cell phone’s shrill rings break the silence of the night. Ou Chen picks up his phone – “Young Master, it has been done like you requested. Tomorrow’s media will be releasing the news.”
As Ou Chen later looks out his window – why is it that his original plan of seeking revenge on her has suddenly come to naught?