Chapter 8
As Xia Mo watches every girl prepare for the final audition, she flashes back to when Pan Nan approached her and offered to be paired only with her. Although Xia Mo appreciated the gesture, she turned down Pan Nan because she hoped to get by on her own efforts. What will happen if they both do get chosen? Will Pan Nan continue to help her forever? Pan Nan then wished Xia Mo luck as she would do her best in the finals; Xia Mo also expressed the same sentiments.
However, come time for everyone’s performances, it is clear that Xia Mo and Ke Xin are quickly becoming overshadowed by the other three girls. Thinking fast, Xia Mo runs up her own stage and calls out to everyone, perfectly setting the stage for Ke Xin’s performance – come listen to the new and wonderful Ke Xin! Yes, she is new so she is kind of nervous but once you hear her sing, you will be pleasantly surprised!
Jam and the other judges are impressed by Xia Mo; although Pan Nan remains the strongest contender, Xia Mo was able to draw audience members to their stage with her sincerity and warm personality.
Ke Xin satisfactorily finishes her song but is so plagued by nerves that she only manages a stammered introduction for Xia Mo in return. Xia Mo takes to the stage, quietly but emotionally singing the song, “Diamond.” Jam is pleasantly taken aback; this song was once very famous in the bars. Composed and sung by a bar hostess longing for her love to return, record companies had clamored for the rights to sign her but she had resisted, claiming that this song was only sung for her love and so fans had to go directly to the bar in order to hear it. However, when the bar hostess eventually passed away, her coworkers chose to not sing it anymore in honor of her and the song has not been sung since. So how did Yin Xia Mo learn this song??
Meanwhile, Ou Chen sits in his car caught in the traffic resulting from the nearby singing competition, wineglass in hand having just finished some work en route to his business meeting. Butler Shen is with him, thinking that Young Master used to not drink so much but since his car accident five years ago, has developed a taste for it. As Ou Chen stares out the window, the green silk scarf tied around his wrist – slightly faded but still retaining its former beauty – flutters softly in the wind.
As Xia Mo is still singing, she is suddenly seized by a panic attack. Forget the people! Forget the people! Xia Mo has never told anyone… how afraid she is of people… especially those in the pitch black darkness…
It was her seventh birthday and the first time she ever stepped on a stage. Mom had drunk herself into oblivion and although the boss had relieved her of performing, she had been insistent anyway. Getting on stage, she began to sing “Diamond,” drunkenly dancing along with the lyrics. Even as small as Xia Mo had been, she understood that Mom was singing this song for that Uncle who had left – since then, Mom has never been happy again.
Tears start falling down her mom’s face as she continues her song, trapped in the pain of her love having left her. Staring at Xia Mo and yet not really seeing her, she reached out – and collapses, plummeting off the stage. As Xia Mo rushes to the edge of the stage, her mom lies still and unmoving like a broken doll, blood slowly dripping from her mouth. Xia Mo stares out into the abyss, seeing only her mom… just one more step and she’ll be able to join her mom too…
Ou Chen catches a glimpse of that girl singing on stage – and it is as if all the sun’s rays are directly emitting from her and her alone. In the sunlight, her hair shimmers and her complexion is like a mermaid’s in the midst of a bubbling fantasy. She sings as if she can see no one – but all he can see is her.
Butler Shen tries to get Young Master’s attention – if they continue to dawdle in this traffic, they will surely be late to the meeting – until he too, catches sight of the girl and his eyes widen in shock.
Although the judges are impressed by Xia Mo’s singing ability, it is not enough to redeem her – a singer needs to be able to perform at her best in public and it is still obvious that Xia Mo struggles with that aspect. One of the judges, Cai Ni, shakes her head sadly but crosses out Xia Mo’s name with a red X.
The audience members begin to leave the area and Xia Mo realizes that despite her best efforts, she was still unable to control her fear. As she prepares to finish her song and step down from the stage, the remaining people are thrown into a frenzy and Xia Mo freezes as she catches sight of the reason causing the growing excitement.
Ou Chen strains his head to find what – who? – SHE is looking at and spots a smiling and handsome young man walking towards her. Is she staring at this man? For some reason, Ou Chen feels a growing sense of jealousy at seeing this man; he tries to chase the feeling away but it continues to sting painfully at him. Butler Shen also sees this man and quickly checks Young Master’s reaction; luckily, he does not seem to recall anything. However, what a day it is to see both of them here…
To the amazement of everyone, Luo Xi jumps onto the stage to join Xia Mo. He announces to everyone that Xia Mo is his good friend and that one day, she will become a great singer; please remember her name and support her! Taking Xia Mo’s hand in his own, Luo Xi begins to sing and it is as if every song is sung specifically for Xia Mo. Feeling the strength in his grasped hand, Xia Mo remembers that other time when she leaned on Luo Xi – his left arm holding onto her and his right holding onto Xiao Cheng…
The judges are astounded and the other girls are seized with jealousy, although Pan Nan remains expressionless. Since meeting Luo Xi in England two years ago and hearing of his story with Xia Mo, she has always admired this girl…
Butler Shen tries one more time to sway Ou Chen’s attention away from Xia Mo and Luo Xi. To Butler Shen’s horror, Ou Chen tonelessly tells him to cancel his meetings – and to find out all he can about that girl singing on the stage.
Chapter 9
Luo Xi’s public performance with Xia Mo has rocked the media and now every news station and broadcaster is clamoring to book Xia Mo even though she is not even officially signed yet. While Pan Nan is a sure pick, Sun Company is still undecided about the remaining spot; given Xia Mo’s instant shot to popularity overnight, it would make the most financial sense to promote her now. But can a singer who cannot sing in public be considered a singer?
Luo Xi and Xia Mo are at their usual French restaurant as Luo Xi studies her closely; he was sure that she was going to throw a temper at him about interfering with her auditions but yet here she sits, silently eating her dinner. Doesn’t he warrant any kind of reaction from her? Does she really hate him that much? True, he wasn’t always the nicest person before but at least to her, to Xiao Cheng and to their parents, he can honestly say that he never once did anything to truly hurt them.
As Xia Mo quietly stares back at Luo Xi’s serious expression, the truth of his words ring in her head. And Xia Mo sincerely apologizes to Luo Xi. Just three little words, and Luo Xi feels as if a weight has been lifted off his shoulders, the childish glee in his smile glaringly obvious.
The image of that girl holding hands with that man continues to burn in Ou Chen’s mind – and the nightmares have returned. They are all the same; every time he reaches out to her but all he can ever see is her departing silhouette. Calling out to her and begging her but she never once turns around again, only leaving him alone in the darkness.
The next day, Xi Meng (assistant and father figure) reports back to Ou Chen – that girl’s name is Yin Xia Mo. Yin Xia Mo… how is it that this name is so unfamiliar but yet still triggers something deep within his heart?
Xiao Cheng has learned of Xia Mo’s intent to become a singer and he vehemently opposes such a decision; if she is worried about making money, then he will start taking on jobs himself. In fact, he has already decided to give up on pursuing art and will be working in construction from now on. When Xiao Cheng remains insistent and continues to disregard Xia Mo’s advice, she angrily slaps him. If he does not continue onto art school, then he can forget about calling her “older sister”.
When Luo Xi sees that Xia Mo is bound and determined now to become a singer, he takes her to an empty stage and begins to play “Diamond” on the piano. Luo Xi asks Xia Mo to sing for him, since it’s just him right now.
Understanding Luo Xi’s intent, Xia Mo hesitatingly begins to sing, continuously chanting in her mind to not be afraid, to not be afraid…
Hearing the nervousness in Xia Mo’s voice, Luo Xi gently commands Xia Mo, “Look at me. I am your only audience member. You sing the song only for yourself, not for anyone else. If you need to look at something, then look only at me.”
Xia Mo looks at Luo Xi’s peaceful smile and his sparkling eyes – and is taken back to that night five years ago as they laughingly shared drinks together. Filled with a sense of peace, Xia Mo continues to sing, and the nervousness slowly ebbs from her voice. In the darkness of the auditorium, a single person silently walks in – it is Pan Nan who claps enthusiastically for Xia Mo at the end. Xia Mo keeps singing the song over and over, and slowly the auditorium begins to fill with people. First it is Ke Xin, then Jam and the other prior judges and then strangers until the auditorium is completely filled. And Xia Mo continues to sing.
Pao Mo Bar (also could be known as Bubble Bar).
Ou Chen silently broods alone as he downs one drink after another. The bartender tries to control his drinks but is stopped short by a single glare. Ou Chen cannot stop thinking about Yin Xia Mo… who is she? Did he forget something from five years ago? Ou Chen has tried asking Butler Shen about it, who said that there wasn’t anything special about those past events anyway, so what’s the point in remembering? Knowing that Butler Shen was not being completely honest, Ou Chen had even tried hiring a private investigator to uncover his own past but to no avail. And so he had slowly given up on ever knowing. Until he saw her – and now his unknown past continues to plague him again.
Smiling beautifully, a girl runs up on stage and announces that she will be singing a song called “Remember to Forget.” As she begins to sing, the few people in the bar are instantly entranced by her melodic voice and emotional performance. Ou Chen cannot believe his eyes – the girl who has been plaguing him… Yin Xia Mo… she is standing on that stage!
Finishing her song, the crowd calls for an encore but Xia Mo gently declines, thanking them for their support. As she walks off the stage, Ou Chen sees her head towards a man waiting for her in the corner. Xia Mo smiles up at him as Ou Chen continues to tensely watch them both. The man lean towards Xia Mo and whisper something – her smile becomes brighter – and the two walk out of the bar.
It is essentially the middle of the night now and there are barely any people or cars on the road as Luo Xi and Xia Mo walk back together. Smiling up at Luo Xi, Xia Mo thanks him for being with her these past few days and for helping her get over her stage fright. Having gone to endless bars to perform tonight, she is confident now that she can sing without fear in public.
Luo Xi replies that he should be thanking her – thanking her for liking him. Xia Mo freezes and Luo Xi continues on; because of liking him, she forcefully sent him away five years ago. Because of liking him, she’s never forgotten him all this time. Because of liking him – she can trust him and sing for him. Xia Mo doesn’t respond although Luo Xi can see the battle of emotions playing on her face. Teasing her, he comments that it’s not much fun to be too logical about things.
Turning away from Luo Xi but then realizing that he may take that as silent assent, Xia Mo turns her head back around to face him – and is captured lightly by Luo Xi’s kiss.
Admit that you like me, Luo Xi urges. Is it really so hard to admit it? You and I are the same, that’s why we like each other, that’s why we’re always drawn to each other. We were meant to be together, Xia Mo…
Xia Mo knows that Luo Xi is mesmerizing her right now; entrancing her with his perfect looks and his pretty words… but she can’t seem to maintain her former calmness and nonchalance anymore…
Luo Xi again captures Xia Mo in a deep kiss but whereas the last kiss had been soft and gentle, this one is filled with passion and intensity. Xia Mo can only close her eyes as Luo Xi continues to kiss her deeper and deeper, gathering her tightly against his body. Luo Xi dimly realizes that he probably shouldn’t be kissing Xia Mo like this right now; he had only wanted to break down her wall of coolness and calm control. However, now that he is finally kissing her – truly kissing her – he can no longer control himself. He’s going crazy with wanting her – she’s like poison to him but by God, he will keep kissing her even if it means his death!
The two are rudely brought back to reality when they hear the roar of a sports car coming down the road. As she pulls Luo Xi off to the side, she catches a glimpse of the driver’s hands ruthlessly gripping the steering wheel although she cannot see a face. Breathing heavily, Xia Mo starts when she realizes that she is leaning against Luo Xi for support; he lightly chuckles.
You like me. Let’s be together.
The sports car pulls to the side of the road as Ou Chen sits in the driver’s seat, his hands still tensely wrapped around the wheel.
Chapter 10
After that night, Luo Xi and Xia Mo’s relationship has became a little more complicated. Regardless of where Luo Xi is – the recording studio, in the car on a business trip or right before going to bed – he would always call Xia Mo. Asking her out every so often, casually kissing her when the mood strikes him, while she would always tightly close her eyes during those kisses. Xia Mo never promises him anything but neither does she deny anything.
Sun Record is asking Xia Mo to attend the tryouts for Lei Ou Cosmetics model of the year. Although Pan Nan has been officially signed on with Sun, the second representative has not yet been chosen. However, a contract with Lei Ou Cosmetics is a guaranteed ticket to instant stardom and it is one of the most coveted positions in the entertainment world; the company has always chosen the most beautiful and successful actress, model or singer to represent their products. It is rumored that the most likely successor will be Yao Shu Er, now that Wei An’s reputation has suffered from her scandal with Jam. However, Yao Shu Er is in for a rude awakening when she realizes that Shen Qiang has also been invited by Lei Ou Cosmetics. Although Shen Qiang entered the entertainment world a few years after Yao Shu Er, she quickly became one of the most sought after actresses after just a year while Yao Shu Er has continued to bring in mediocre success.
Shen Qiang is also the rumored girlfriend of Luo Xi.
Once at Lei Ou Cosmetics, Yao Shu Er attempts to place herself higher than Xia Mo by introducing her as her personal assistant while Zhen En has also accompanied them. There is a brief moment of tension when Yao Shu Er casually drops the fact that Luo Xi publicly performed with Xia Mo, and Shen Qiang instantly turns and measures her. However, before the situation gets even more awkward, they are interrupted by the arrival of Lei Ou’s heir. Lei Ou Cosmetics is simply another branch under the Ou Family Corporation.
Young Master has returned from France.
When Zhen En catches sight of him, she cannot stop a loud gasp. She quickly checks Xia Mo for her reaction, whose face has gone completely white, the blood completely drained from her lips. Although Xia Mo knew of Ou Chen’s connection to Lei Ou Cosmetics, never in a million years would she have thought that he would return to specific branch. Or that she would also be standing here.
No one can take their eyes off Young Master, who is as handsome as he is rich. Even Yao Shu Er and Shen Qiang – the latter whose heart belongs to Luo Xi – cannot believe that there could possibly exist someone not of the entertainment circle who is this handsome and grand.
Ou Chen makes his way to the elevator, completely oblivious of the many pairs of eyes glued to his every movement. As an employee holds the elevator open for him, Zhen En risks running over to Xia Mo and quickly hisses her name.
The elevator slowly starts closing as Ou Chen steps through; however, his eyes have suddenly drifted to a specific point of the lobby. Everyone jumps when the elevator pings in protest and a pair of hands is seen reaching out and forcing the doors back open. Ou Chen steps back out, his stride purposeful and his eyes quickly scanning the area.
Walking towards Xia Mo, her instincts take over and she quickly turns and run. Ou Chen is quicker than her though and stops her, recognizing that this kind of public behavior from him is unheard of but he cannot bear to lose sight of this girl again! Who are you?
When Ou Chen repeats his question again, Xia Mo breathes a sigh of relief as she realizes that Ou Chen has seemingly forgotten – or is at least, pretending to have forgotten her. Regaining her composure, Xia Mo calmly answers him; Why, she’s just a representative from Sun Company here to do business. In fact, if Young Master is playing some kind of a game; so sorry, but she really doesn’t have any time to entertain him.
Ou Chen asks a random employee on the side to tell him why these women are all here. Briefly measuring Yao Shu Er and Shen Qiang, Ou Chen’s gaze quickly returns to Xia Mo. Before leaving, he murmurs quietly, “She’ll do.”
Yao Shu Er and Shen Qiang are stunned while the others stare after Ou Chen in confusion. But Lei Ou has always picked a well-known face to represent the company and not a newbie! However, Young Master himself has requested it…
When Xia Mo later meets up with Luo Xi, she can tell by his expression that he has already learned the news. He comments that it seems as if neither himself nor Ou Chen can have an effect on Yin Xia Mo’s emotional state. Luo Xi asks if she ever liked Ou Chen in the past; didn’t her own parents fall over backwards to accommodate him all the time? Xia Mo realizes that she never had the chance to tell Luo Xi about her parents’ car accident and Luo Xi is stunned. On that day she was with him at the airport, she received a frantic phone call from her dad, telling her that he was choosing Luo Xi over his career – she needs to stop him from boarding that plane! However, it was already too late as Luo Xi had departed and Xia Mo never saw her parents alive again.
Luo Xi cannot fathom that for once in his life, someone had wanted to keep him. Seeing the turmoil in Luo Xi, Xia Mo gently tells him to forget what she just said. Anyways, regardless of how she felt about Ou Chen before, he no longer remembers her anymore. And as Butler Shen coldly said to her after Ou Chen had pushed her forward as spokesperson; she has already hurt Young Master enough. Please do not make him remember his past with her.
Luo Xi cannot help but ask Xia Mo if she will be taking the contract even though he knows that if he himself was given the opportunity, he would jump at it, no questions asked. Xia Mo, of course, is no exception. And this is why Luo Xi is drawn to Xia Mo – she will never let go of what rightfully belongs to her and the things that should be cherished. In a way, he, Ou Chen and Xia Mo are very alike – and this is probably why their fates will always be tangled with one another’s. They are the same.
“Xia Mo, you will like him.”
“Are you scared?”
“Yes. I’m afraid you’ll leave me and go back to him.”
“Luo Xi, don’t love me. There’s no love in my heart; just the desire for success. For success, I will be manipulative. Love is just a very small portion of me. I like you today, so I’ll stay by your side. However, if I like someone else, I’ll be staying by his side.”
“You like me right now, right?”
“Yes.” Because it is the truth. Whether it was the truth five years ago or when he asked her to sing just for him in the auditorium or when he kissed her on the street.
“Then that’s enough. You will love me forever, more and more every day. Until the day I die, you will still love me.”
Chapter 11
Much to the surprise of Shen Qiang and Yao Shu Er, they both later receive an invitation to officially participate in Lei Ou Cosmetic’s tryouts for its model spokesperson – Yin Xia Mo was also included in the list but hadn’t Young Master Ou Chen already decided that it was going to be her? Yao Shu Er can’t believe her stroke of luck although Shen Qiang is disgusted – who does Lei Ou Cosmetics think she is? Ripping up her own invitation, Shen Qiang refuses to participate.
The day of auditions, Yao Shu Er is already at Lei Ou preparing for her tryout. However, as Zhen En looks around anxiously, Xia Mo is nowhere to be found! Zhen En’s imagination starts to fly as Xia Mo is never one to be late to anything; has something happened to her? If she doesn’t show up in time for her time, then Yao Shu Er will get the contract by default! As Zhen En is pacing in a panic, two men are currently carrying an unconscious Yin Xia Mo from their car and tossing her into a garage; “Thank goodness she breathed in so much chloroform; she’ll be out for hours!”
At Lei Ou, Zhen En continues to worry about Xia Mo. Who can help Xia Mo, who can help — Young Master! Young Master will be able to help Xia Mo! Unknown to Zhen En, Ou Chen has also been wondering about Xia Mo’s absence since he had specifically requested his driver to pick her up and drive her to Lei Ou; she should have arrived a while ago already. It turns out that the driver had actually pulled up to pick Xia Mo and witnessed her being taken against her will; thinking quickly, the driver then followed them before calling the police. However, Ou Chen himself rushes to save Xia Mo.
Luckily for Xia Mo, she had actually not breathed in as much chloroform as her kidnappers had originally thought, and as she slowly comes to, she struggles to untie her hands. She refuses to let such an opportunity slip from her grasp! As she fights with her bindings, she catches sight of an approaching shadow. Like a warm ray of light, the voice asks her if she is all right; is she hurt??
It is Ou Chen. As he gently picks her up, his strength calms her racing heart and she is reminded of the very first time she met him. The young Ou Chen had carried her much the same way he is carrying her now. She was 11 and he was only 14 years old.
Thanking him, Xia Mo then requests to be taken back to Lei Ou. Ou Chen refuses at first, saying that she needs to be treated at the hospital for her injuries. When Ou Chen remains persistent about taking Xia Mo directly to the hospital first, Xia Mo asks him if he would rather prefer for her to go back by herself. Seeing the stubborn and obstinate look on Xia Mo’s face, Ou Chen grimly jerks the car towards the direction of Lei Ou. Xia Mo cannot help but quietly laugh; Ou Chen is still Ou Chen after all.
Once back at Lei Ou, Zhen En cries in horror to see the injuries on Xia Mo; however, the latter is focused on quickly getting ready for her tryout. Following with the theme of the competition, Xia Mo sings a beautiful but tragic song about the love a mermaid princess has for her human prince – a love so deep that she is willing to cut off her own tail in order to be with him.
People had thought Yao Shu Er’s performance was great but Yin Xia Mo’s… although the song is of a tragic ending, it is performed with so much emotion that the audience members are choked up. Ou Chen quietly but intensely watches Xia Mo; Yao Shu Er nervously gauges everyone’s reactions; and the others simply forget to breathe. Zhen En cannot contain her excitement; Xia Mo has won.
Ou Chen takes Xia Mo directly to the hospital afterward, where the nurse admonishes them for waiting so long to come in. Ou Chen requests to have an IV briefly set up for Xia Mo, to which Xia Mo objects. However, neither the nurse nor Xia Mo are a match for Ou Chen and a moment later, Xia Mo is resting with an IV drip. Deciding that it’s useless to argue with Ou Chen right now, Xia Mo gives in; she’ll just rest for a little while, that’s all…
As Xia Mo lies there, Ou Chen hesitatingly asks, “We… knew each other… five years ago… didn’t we?” And Xia Mo’s face instantly loses all color.
Chapter 12
“We once loved each other, didn’t we?”
In that instant, Xia Mo began to panic, her mind busily wondering what to say to Ou Chen’s hesitate questions. However, she begins to calm down as she again remember Butler Shen’s curt advice. Five years ago, she was the one who chose the most cruel way to hurt Ou Chen.
Xia Mo laughs softly and denies knowing Ou Chen. When Ou Chen refuses to believe her, Xia Mo tells him that if she wanted to trick the Young Master of Ou Corporations, it would make more sense for her to say that they did know each other, that they were once deeply in love with one another. But they weren’t.
“Then from now on, stay by my side. If you decide that you cannot learn to love me, then you can decide to end it.”
“Because… because…”
“Because she already has a boyfriend.”
Luo Xi swaggers into the room, the air tinged with a bit of cruelty and a bit of arrogance. Going to Xia Mo’s side and intentionally directly facing Ou Chen, Luo Xi jokingly scolds Xia Mo for leading Ou Chen on; why, silly Mo Mo, when someone tells you of his feelings, you should instantly let him know that you are taken already! Otherwise, what will you do when he continues to think that he has a chance with you??
As Xia Mo watches the tension build from the battle of testosterone raging between Luo Xi and Ou Chen, fervently wishing that she could be anywhere but there, Luo Xi clearly stakes his claim on Xia Mo for Ou Chen’s benefit by leaning over and kissing her. And then as punishment, biting down hard enough on her lip to draw blood, causing her to gasp in pain and in surprise. Ou Chen seethes as he watches Luo Xi kissing Xia Mo and then stalks out of the room.
Luo Xi finally lets go of Xia Mo as she stares mutinously back at him; don’t worry – you cannot possibly be in any more pain than me right now.
Back at home, Xiao Cheng flutters about Xia Mo like an anxious mother hen and the two finally make up from their previous fight. Xiao Cheng has agreed to give up the construction idea and will pursue art school as originally planned. He promises himself that he will take care of his sister and will always protect her.
The contract with Lei Ou is official now and Zhen En cannot believe her ears; Xia Mo has requested her to be her agent!! Although worried that she lacks the experience and knowledge, Zhen En promises Xia Mo that she will be the best agent possible and will not let her down!
The mood between Yao Shu Er and Xia Mo is frosty, to say the least, although it is more due to the former’s actions. When Wei An later approaches Xia Mo inquiring about the kidnapping on the day of tryouts, Zhen En is horrified to realize that was what had happened to Xia Mo. Wei An presents Xia Mo with photos of Yao Shu Er meeting with the very same two men who had kidnapped Xia Mo. Casually handing them over to Xia Mo, Wei An comments that they may be of more use to her. Xia Mo takes the photographs and thanks her but Wei An says there’s no need – she’s still doing it for herself anyway.
Xia Mo and Zhen En hurry to the meeting which will finalize details for the commercial shoot. Ou Chen is also in attendance, which is unusual given the fact that Lei Ou Cosmetics is naught but a small portion of the greater Ou Corporation. Zhen En suspects that it has something to do with Xia Mo’s presence but Xia Mo brushes it off.
The meeting room is completely packed but in utter silence, as the final member still has yet to arrive – Ling Hao. 21 years old and with a modeling background, Ling Hao became famous two years ago from a beverage commercial and has quickly risen to the top since then. With the exception of Luo Xi, the next most prominent and desired male star is Ling Hao.
The silence is broken by the ring of a shrill cell phone. Lei Ou’s PR Director quickly picks up the call when he glimpses at the caller. His next comment sends the room into a buzz as all heads turn to stare directly at Yin Xia Mo.
“What? You want to switch the lead actress??”