I was glad that i watched this anime series although the two anime leads didn't capture my interest (by looking at the picture). But hey, do not judge the book by its cover, after each episode i have grown to like the characters more and more. Push aside those drama, dark and matured anime that makes my heart so heavy, this anime give me a happy and peaceful feeling. All i can say is, it is truly the best anime in 2008.
The Expression/Thoughts:
Storyline/ Plot: (10/10) The story started off well and had a refreshing feel. Both the main male and female protagonists have very distinct and unique characteristics and facial/body features which adds lots of value in this love/comedy anime. At the beginning, the story seems to be rather focused in bringing Ryuji and Minori; Taiga and Kitamura together. Through the many events that happened, Ryuji and Taiga ended up together and all was able to end with a very pleasant note. The overall story quality was outstanding, showing deep plots involving friendship and the complexity of love. There are certain segments in the story that makes Toradora! truly amazing. First of all would be the events leading up to the school festival. It was absolutely emotional when Taiga's past was brought up and the character interactions showed us true friendship. Another segment would be the Christmas party and Ski resort school trip. The Christmas party epsiodes manages to show how love can be developed unknowingly. The last marvelous segment would be the ending. The ending was conclusive and leaves behind a strong impression.
Characters: (10/10) There are three very important characters in Toradora! besides Taiga and Ryuji. They are their best pals, Minori, Kitamura and Ami. Each of the five characters were given enough time for proper character development and manages to show us their unique personalities. Here's a brief introduction to these five characters: Taiga, aka Palm top tiger, is stubborn and fierce at times but has a very sweet side at times. Her petite body and long wavely hair makes her look like a cute doll. She is also extremely shy when it comes to love. She seems rather unorganized and does not really seems to be able to take care of herself. She has a complex family background. Ryuji, has a intimidating delinquent look due to his slit eyes but he is actually a very kind person who has a gentle personality. He is totally obsesed with cleaning (especially when he sees moldes). It is surprising that he manages to click well with Taiga and seems to act like Taiga's father/elder brother at times. Minori is a hyper-active baseball girl. She tend to hide her true feelings by showing that she is very tough and hyper-active. She is always very concerned for Taiga and is Taiga's best friend. She is also the Baseball club's president. Kitamura, aka God of Broken Hearts, is a smart and eccentric guy. He is Ryuji's good friend. He seems to like Taiga when they were in the first year. He is considerate and extremely funny. His santa claus outfit is really funny. Ami, aka baka Chi (stands for stupid chiwawa) nickname given by Taiga, is a haughty model. She puts up a different personality at first (one which is kind and bubbly) so that she could gain friendship. She starts showing her true self after listening to Ryuji. Despite her arrogant, and mature personality, she is actually very caring towards her friends and wishes to be treated as her age (instead of an adult). She is Kitamura's childhood friend. With all their uniqueness added together, it brings out true comedy, friendship and love.
Animation/ Graphics: 10/10 Character designs were very unique and complete with a great array of facial expressions and emotions. The good use of bright colours and dark colours at appropriate scenes were great. The scenaries were simple but well drawn with the right amount of details.
Songs/ Music: 10/10 I truly love all the songs present in Toradora!. This would include both the opening themes and ending themes and most importantly, the christmas insert song.
Overall: 10/10 This is one of those rare anime that is truly above the rest. With a great storyline consisting of bits of comedy and tons of emotions, this is one anime not to be missed. The great voice cast is a great plus point for this anime. Toradora! has certainly rised the bar for comedy/love genre animes and will be one of my top favourite animes list. Toradora!, the perfect anime, is truly a MUST watch for all anime fans!
Information to interested viewers:
* Anime series of episodes : 25
* Manga chapters : -
* Author : -
* Genre : Slice of Life - Comedy
* Watch Online : Email to prishlc@hotmail.com for episode links