The Expressions/Thoughts:
NANA is a great series that deserves its high backing. Although it is catered towards a mature audience. Perhaps what draws people in to NANA most is the series's characters. Viewers can feel more of a connection to these characters than other anime: they are real. They experience the same doubts, the same misconceptions about certain ideas as regular people do, and so the anime achieves a sort of "realistic" effect that can attract many. Furthermore, the series does not hold back on the more "immoral" facts of reality: prostitution, smoking. It gives viewers cold, hard facts about life, not holding anything back. Yet intermingled with this comes a sense of sympathy toward the outcast boy who falls into such a position in society, or of the depressed woman who encourages it. Ai Yazawa does a magnificent job of portraying this view of the world. Character development is definitely given throughout the anime, for many of the supporting characters and most especially the "pink Nana," or Hachiko. She turns from a love-obsessed female to a somber, regretful yet peaceful woman. The animation was mostly fluid, though at times the characters seemed TOO thin, like sticks. Ah well. This was also drawn in a more "realistic" style unlike other animes.The storyline actually flows together like an interconnected web. There are almost no inconsistencies that I can think of regarding the storyline. It virtually shows both Nana's "falls" in life. I love how they also start with "Hey, Nana" at the beginning of many of the episodes, like the two "best friends" long to see each other again but cannot. And viewers do not figure this out until late in the series, adding to its quality. The music also does a fine job of buttressing the certain moods that crop up in the series. Opening and endings are inconsistent with their memorable qualities, but all in all they aptly reflect the characters' emotions as portrayed through their rock music. Voices matched their characters well, and all in all made the series feel even more real, as if the characters themselves were talking to the viewers. Few animes have achieved the effect that Nana has. To sum it all, the anime is as good as the manga.
Information for interested viewers:
* Anime series of episodes : 47 (season 1)
* Manga chapters : Chapter 1-84 ongoing
* Author : Ai Yazawa
* Genre : Comedy - Drama - Romance - Slice of Life - Shoujo-Tragedy
* Watch Online : Email to prishlc@hotmail.com for episode links.
Warning: Stay away from the live action japanese movie on NANA. I tried to watch the live action movie, and all i can say it ruin this anime/manga badly. I'm gonna stick to the original. :D