The Expressions/Thoughts:
Ghost Hunt is one of the few animes in which the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. The story follows and is told from the perspective of Mai, a high school student who lives on her own after the death of her parents, and her coincidental encounter with Naru (nicknamed for his narcissism), the president of SPR (Shibuya Psychic Research), and so Mai becomes Naru's part-time assistant. SPR deals with supernatural mysteries "worthy" of Naru's attention, and each case is covered in about a 3 - 5 episode arc. Not only does it deal with the mysteries of each case (some sentimental, some horrific), it pays close attention to the mysteries behind each character. If you are a fan of suspense, romance, or horror, this anime will have you glued to your seat.
Plot: The plotline of Ghost Hunt is very solid. Each case builds with increasing intensity, and it really draws you in to the story. There are many subtleties to the plot that are easily missed. The only downside is that, at the end, you will most likely feel a bit unsatisfied. Ghost Hunt is based off a novel series by the same writer of Twelve Kingdoms. And the series ends without covering all of the material. Hopefully, there will be a second season to answer these questions.
Animation: The animation again is solid but average. It is done well enough to let you enjoy the story without anything too flashy or distracting. The mood that the animation creates is excellent.
Music: Many people dislike the opening because there is no real song or lyrics to speak of, and yet it adds to the spooky feel of the anime. And honestly, how many openings with character flashes and special effects do we need? The ending theme is beautiful and great. The insert songs do justice in providing that eerie feeling in the anime.
Characters: The characters again are excellent. Each character's personality is very well-defined and you will feel a strong attachment to each one. Even minor characters throughout the arcs are well-developed. Again, the only downside is that since the anime ends without covering all the material in the books, much is missing. (Again, hope for a second season!)
Overall, Ghost Hunt is fun, amusing, eerie, and completely enjoyable. There are very few animes I would give a perfect score to, but this is one of them. It is very unique and intriguing. It has the mystery of XXXholic with the suspense of Monster. 10/10.
Information to interested viewers:
* Anime series of episodes : 25
* Manga chapters : -
* Author : -
*Genre : Drama - Mystery
* Watch Online : Email to prishlc@hotmail.com for episode links